2019/20 Players' Transactions: Breaking News , Trades, Free Agents, And Rumors

Discussion in 'Lakers Discussion' started by LaVarBallsDad, Jan 5, 2017.

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  1. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Thanks for the explanation and I thought you were just being a wise guy...like Ox, so now I’m the wiser and I understand where you’re coming from. Let’s just say, LVBD is contradicting himself imho and I’ll leave it at that.

    Anyways, I’m going to move on from this, cause it’s just getting weird and frankly I have no interest in spending my energy on these “ignoring but then not really ignoring” members.

  2. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    i'm not claiming that i know the framing document of people's jobs better than they do.

    i disagree with dumping say, wagner, prior to the need to dump him. but i don't suggest they did it because they didn't know how their professional world works. there's a big difference.

    magic's just a d****** and not a professional. it's why he's no longer employed.

    more than one gm has admitted to lurking on message boards. it's clear agents do and have. where my credulity is stretched is when they claim to get anything from it. i think that's stuff they say to fans.

    but my point was that even if you believe morey there, he did NOT say that they consult message boards to learn about CBA loopholes.

    we could try, but the league has the right to veto such deals if they feel they violate the spirit of the CBA. and this would qualify, particularly because we're the lakers.
  3. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Nah, you just claim to know everything with your clairvoyance.

    I didn’t claim I knew their job better than them either. I claimed those professionals seek out assistance in ideas from message board jockeys. And if those professionals do that, the team capologists they hired seem to not be doing their jobs. Otherwise why frequent message boards for ideas?

    I also claimed that they clearly coveted a 3rd max guy and their contingency plan torpedoed any chance at getting a 3rd max guy in the near future. So yeah, poor contingency if that was their plan.

    If you strike out on your primary targets (both coach and player) during the summer, the FO might need some more capable and savvy execs to get s*** done then. They shed salary like it’s charity, which is another WTF example as to how they need to re-evaluate their cap guys.

    Anyways here’s another professional that clearly didn’t know the CBA and now he’s the President of the United, uh the Denver Nuggets:

    The mess in question refers to the odd sequence of events during the finalization of Faried's four-year, $50 million extension completed in early October, a deal that was initially leaked by Denver, according to several sources, at five years and $60 million, only the terms of that deal didn't conform to the current collective bargaining agreement, which stipulates a team's "designated player" for a five-year extension must receive the maximum money. Connelly and Ben Tenzer, the Nuggets' young director of team operations and de facto salary-cap guy, jumped the gun while the rest of the NBA, including the league office, scratched their heads at the report.

    In the final analysis, the whoops factor of the episode exceeded any substantive damage, of which there was none. The parties completed the deal, and the Nuggets had protected their asset. Around the league, though, there was a collective WTF?! More than one source close to the league's infrastructure has confirmed Faried wasn't the only proposed transaction by Denver that violated CBA 101 basics. One rival team executive said the Nuggets called to propose a trade that was obviously unkosher under league rules, something that rarely, if ever, happens because no general manager wants to betray ignorance of such a rudimentary part of the gig. Most have the good sense to call the league to fact-check potential acquisitions.

    General managers are engaged in a 12-month game of poker. They read each other for tells and vulnerabilities and prey on weaknesses. Projecting a lack of confidence or expertise can mark you as the fish at the table.

    "There's definitely a lack of confidence when Tim calls," a different exec said. "You can hear it, and it's not even his fault because this wasn't a job he sought out. The s--- hit the fan [in late spring 2013], and he was needed in triage right away. How do you not take the job if it's offered?"


    Btw: For how unprofessional Magic is, he sure is successful AF in the world of professionals. But you claimed sillier things before. Hey, you were kinda right with the Bron thing. You do need a rocket to space jam, right?
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2019
  4. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    Some people are better bosses than employees.

    Sometimes only because they can't get fired lol.

    I'd say he's where he needs to be right now, and we're ok with that. We just want him to have fun, and he wasn't having enough fun here.
  5. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Read your own post, vash: the case was noteworthy for its rarity.
  6. nzahir

    nzahir Guest

    2 weeks away from the rumors, need to make a couple moves MINIMUM
  7. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Yet that rarity had two novices with zero experience become President of Basketball Operations and General Manager for our Los Angeles Lakers.

    Before it was those two, it was Jimbo as the PBO who gave the OK to MozDeng.

    Its not so rare imo. The thing about Magic is that he’s a HOF player who younger players emulate. When he cane on board, suddenly we heard dudes wanting to be traded here. But even with him at the helm, we prematurely dumped assets all in the name of cap space.

    Then under Rob, that trend continued. You can’t refute that cause it happened under both those guys. And since they novices at the game, I’m assuming a residing team capologist had to hold their hands through the process...a process that saw multiple assets dumped for no good reason other than hoping a star free agent would occupy that space. Getting off of Moz and JC’s big deals made sense in the name of cap space...everything else, not so much.

    So around and around we go, but you know it’s of my opinion Rob/Kurt/Jeanie need to look at our capologists cause if they’re not, they’re asleep at the wheel.
  8. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    mozdeng wasn't a cap misunderstanding. it was valuation error. those occur all the time, every year.

    and the dumping of guys wasn't about not understanding that they didn't need to, per the cap. it was probably unnecessary anxiety about being able to move them should the need arise.

    again, in no way are the capologists at fault for anything you've mentioned. mistakes were made, but they weren't born of ignorance of the cba.
    sirronstuff likes this.
  9. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Capology ain’t about just clearing cap space tho.

    You got to do deals and offer contracts that make sense. There’s a reason we were among a select few with bad contracts in 2016. Then you shrink that pool even more if you consider we handed out 2 bad deals.

    I believe it’s fair to look at the CBA heads assisting Rob with constructing deals and contracts. It doesn’t hurt to add more savvy and reputable professionals in that dept considering the amount of wtf moments we have experienced since 2016.

    My case is simple: if the Lakers were interested in bringing in a 3rd max guy this past summer (they were), then they should have placed themselves in creating an option to further pursue that desire with the contracts they wrote up in free agency (they didn’t). Ergo, they f***ed up a 3rd max opportunity, which is a major no-no to LB’s resident capologist. :swear:

  10. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    the few offering bad deals in 2016? really? half the league is still digging out from that mess.

    anyway, you have yet to convince me that any errors made involved misunderstandings of the rules--as opposed to general poor judgment by various parties. there's a difference. we can argue on message boards about the latter. there's little room to argue about the former.

    the lakers' own PR guy came out and actually addressed your assertion because the organization found it to be so laughable and insulting--this was during scramble-gate. nobody was scrambling, ever. we asked our trade partners to delay, and they said no. rather than jeopardize one of the best trades in franchise history, we chose to take the tougher route to the third max (and still had it available).
    Kobe Bryant 8 and TIME like this.
  11. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Here’s one instance of the cap game that I find interesting. AD waived his entire kicker which eliminated max extension talks completely and less than max extension talks till January 2020.

    Remember when Rob signed JJ to 200k guaranteed to salary match for AD’s 27.1m and everybody lost their mind cause we opened up a max slot? Well since the max guy didn’t happen, what if I told you AD could still get 1.5m of his 4.1m trade kicker, enter talks for a near max extension starting at 34.3m (2020 cap is projected at 116m; 30%max would be 34.8m...and both figures could go down due to the Chinese market) and those extension talks could happen right after the trade became official? Oh and we would still have 32m in max room...but the only way that happens is if we have JJ’s deal count as the full 1.4m he was due to have if he made it past the nonguaranteed trigger date. So in a way, the “genius” of the 200k salary match actually got in the way of potentially locking up AD on near max (if not full max) coin, while still having max cap space.

    So i believe we did scramble...saw our top coaching targets go elsewhere, so we scrambled into Vogel (who we initially coveted as a top aide to the HC).

    We scrambled from having the #4 pick count as aggregated salary to not...having AD’s kicker count (unlocking a max extension) to not...having added assets spared to not...having a max guy to not.

    Then we scrambled to fill the roster and when the dust settled we had no legit 25mpg+ playmaker to help Bron with the offense, only had Kuz to backup Bron/AD at the forward spots and committed 7.5m to a position that had an asthmatic unproven starter and a rehabbing, necessary to bring along slow big despite our prized FA to be expressing he was only comfortable playing minutes at the 5 in the postseason.

    Speaking of which, we traded away any control of our future 1st round picks till 2026 and our 2nd round picks till 2023 for a star that we can’t even offer an extension to.

    You’re making this into only a cap related situation tho when in actuality our FO’s execution has been shoddy. Knowing the CBA is one element of a good FO...you still got to close on your primary targets and if you can’t, for f***’s sakes have a more desirable contingency that at least meets your bottomline (ie 3max players).


    As for half the league offering a bad contract, I count maybe 7-8 deals worse than Moz (well short than half the league). Then you can argue it’s just Charlotte, Memphis and us with 2 bad deals. s*** even the Knicks didn’t do that.

  12. Wino

    Wino - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 24, 2017
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    La Jolla
    Who???? Bwahahahahahaha
  13. TIME

    TIME Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Lifelong Lakers fan.
    LaLa Land
    Why are you guys arguing about Mozdeng? That was TWO front offices ago.
  14. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Because #MozDeng:NeverForget

    Btw we also argued about TWO additional assets in the great 9vs11 debate of 2018...and look how relevant that became a year later.


    I’m the dude who likes hording up stars.

    Speaking of stars...

    Last edited: Dec 2, 2019
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  15. nzahir

    nzahir Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2019
  16. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    somebody's scrambling...and you continue to turn a point about cap mistakes into YET ANOTHER rant about all the things that bother you. nobody made ignorant cap errors. what vogel has to do with this, or mozgov has to do with this, i have no clue. why AD's disinterest in signing an extension keeps (not) coming up, i have no clue. what i do know is that the lakers' cap guys know what they're doing, and there's no evidence suggesting they don't.

    half the teams that had the kind of space available to make offers that might cripple the franchise?

    whatever, it was a lot of bad deals handed out. a lot. we happened to have two of them, which sucked. but that's what happens when you hoard cap space without any real plan.

    so glad we're done with it!

    i like all three as bench players, but i don't see why they'd be available. i wanted satoransky or delon wright with our kcp money this summer, but that dream died quickly.

    i also wanted arcidiacono. if he's fallen out of their rotation, we should grab him. but i don't think he has. the bulls have satoransky, dunn, coby white, and arci at guard. that's 4 solid backups (white obviously projects better going forward). they'll have to divest of at least one, but in their position, they'll want some sort of asset, which we don't/won't offer.

    i still think a couple useful players will shake loose via waiver wire as the season goes on.
  17. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    @abeer3 Jimbo (ie MozDeng) was brought up cause you thought it was a rarity for non cap heads (btw oxymoron when it comes to this guy) to become professional execs for a b-ball franchise. Just mine Magic and Rob, Jimbo didn’t have the credentials to lead anything in our bball ops.

    This summer proves our FO needs addressing. They still dumped assets prematurely and still about hoping that Bron it’s out so they can play the cap game again in 2021. But keep playing the “rant” card. While y’all were ranting last year, I stated I wouldn’t judge Magic/Rob till after we see what they did this past summer. I supported the set up, but in dumping that many assets to essentially scramble into Danny Green was a poor contingency imo. At the very least, lock up AD, but they couldn’t even do that. We’ve seen how unpredictable free agency can be and even though I sincerely believe AD re-ups with us...you just never know.

    The FO needs to start looking for help to execute their vision. When plan A goes to s***, plan B can’t be what we did this summer. That’s just my opinion and you’re entitled to yours. Moving on...

    @nzahir Will Barton is killing right now and his contract makes him that much more appealing. Which is why I doubt Denver has him on the market, unless it’s an obvious upgrade for them. Kcp straight up for Will works salary wise, but we all know the obstacles involved in that scenario.

    Btw your guy FVV is killing also and he’s projected to cash in...

    Fred VanVleet projects to be one of the NBA’s most coveted unrestricted free agents during the 2020 offseason. “One team told me last week that they think he’s going to get between $25 million and $30 million per season,” said Bobby Marks on The Brian Windhorst & The Hoop Collective Podcast.
    – via

  18. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    i mean, you've successfully turned this into a referendum on the FO again instead of just conceding that no cap misunderstandings actually occurred. but anyway...i know you're hoping AD leaves, but for you to be vindicated, he has to leave because we didn't offer the extension. any other reason is just acceptable risk in trading for a superstar. AD has to say "i was open to signing an extension, but they didn't offer that to me. this is one of main reasons i'm leaving to play for the bulls." at that point, i will construct the "boy was vash right about that front office blunder" thread.

    the question is: if and when AD stays, are you going to apologize for terrorizing everyone with this s*** for a calendar year?
    Wino likes this.
  19. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Terrorizing? You’re terrorizing me by not acknowledging that the FO needs more experienced dudes up there. You strikeout on your Plan As this past summer and our Plan B clearly has holes in it. If you want to revisit Plan A down the line, you can’t, cause you help create your own obstacles.

    I’m not asking for Rob/Rambii to step down or get fired. I’m asking that they get their hands held till they can fly on their own haha.

    As for right or wrong...I couldn’t care less about that s***. I find it bizarre that you peg me as a dude that wants my team to fail, so that I can be “right”? Only time I’m hoping for Laker Ls is for more ping pong baLLs..that’s it.

    f*** being right or wrong...i want any weakness we have to be addressed so that we can dominate with rings...not regular season Ws.

    So please stop with the Rob vs Magic insinuations...or whatever bizarre agendas y’all believe I carry.

    The team clearly has weaknesses. You proactively address em, instead of hoping no adversity falls upon us.
    Sentient Meat likes this.
  20. Wino

    Wino - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 24, 2017
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    La Jolla
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