President Trump

Discussion in 'Politics, Religion and Philosophy -(FORUM CLOSED)-' started by TIME, Jan 20, 2017.

  1. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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  2. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

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    I would be too. You shouldn’t have to leave a great place because a s***** manager takes over and starts ruining everything, just wait it out until he’s gone. But anyway, this post isn’t meant to be political at all, I just found this tweet really funny. I’m not posting it as anti or pro Trump, it’s just a strange commentary on reality in 2019, the White House is reality tv.

  3. Lakeshow85

    Lakeshow85 - Rookie -

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Hate crime? What does hate crime have anything to do with anything I said. Wow. I see words speak louder than actions in your opinion.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2019
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  4. 432J

    432J - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    you're the one bringing up "hitler actions" as something that would be the only thing acceptable to actually label someone racist

    so by your logic someone would have to engage in a hate crime to actually be racist. because you don't believe someone spewing racial epithets is enough to call someone racist. did i get that right?

    words are absolutely reflective of a person's character. the fact that you're saying a person could spew racial epithets or tell someone to "go back where they came from" and shouldn't considered a racist is but i get it, anything to defend the cult leader
    Lakeshow85 likes this.
  5. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

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  6. Lakeshow85

    Lakeshow85 - Rookie -

    Apr 20, 2016
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    No, I'm saying that if the people who claim he's racist are telling the truth, then the evidence would be shown in his policies and his actions and "everyone" would be able to see the racism, not just the people who hate him.

    No, not at all. It's extraordinary how you perceive my comments. Hate crimes are not racist, they are hate crimes.

    But let's get back to the point. President Trump. Throughout our history, racism has been oppressive and subjective to groups different from the majority. It was used to keep particular groups down, black people being the major group. They were oppressed physically, mentally, economically, and politically. I'm sure the people in power said actual racist things about black people, but they also fought against the freedom of slaves and black people as citizens and had racist policies that were put in place to hurt black people in the ways described above. They used their power to solidify and reinforce their racism.

    Trump is the most powerful man in the world and can use his power to solidify his racism, just like the racists of old. What groups are hurting right now or oppressed or physically attacked. What group is being politically and economically oppressed and kept down. Name them. Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Gays, women, who? Who is actually being oppressed? If you can show me evidence of it happening on a large scale, not just anecdotal scenarios, then I for sure will stop supporting Trump.

    No I didn't say they "shouldn't be considered a racist" I said it's NOT racist. People can think whatever they want about whoever they want, that's not the point, the point is Trump is not a racist because the evidence is lacking. People say he's racist. They have the burden of proof.

    There is a difference between being racist and being racially insensitive. I'd say we are all racially insensitive in some way. Doesn't make us racist, just ignorant.
    John3:16 likes this.
  7. 432J

    432J - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    hate crimes are not racist? a hate crime is born out of bigotry and prejudice against a race of people

    actually, those being economically oppressed in the US the most right now happen to be the same people who voted for trump (and will likely vote for him again in 2020.) funny how that works. you also say "trump is not a racist because the evidence is lacking." being sued for refusing to rent to black tenants, accusing obama of being born in africa, and calling mexicans rapists and criminals are just a few examples. but as usual you'll put your own spin on it to try and defend your president
  8. Lakeshow85

    Lakeshow85 - Rookie -

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Wow, no it's not. Hate crimes are crimes involving violence motivated by prejudice against race, religion, sexual orientation, or other grounds (political stance, status/social class, etc), yes race is in there, but it's not strictly racist.


    Really? That's interesting. Where is the evidence of that? I'd like to see that.

    It's less about defending the President and more about calling out your nonsense that has clearly been echoed by our liberal media.

    I asked for evidence that there is racist oppression (physically, mentally, economically, and politically) in the United States that can be seen by everyone and that is hurting Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Muslims on a large scale.

    Just admit you have nothing because our mainstream media has nothing, which you clearly have been brainwashed by. It's okay, no other liberal or anyone else who cries he's a racist has any evidence of true racism either.

    You can say President Trump is prejudice, but so are you, so am I, to deny it is to deny the truth, but racism is a deeper hate that is only imbedded in a very small percentage of the population.

    I don't have to spin anything, it's you who are twisting and turning when I challenge you to provide evidence. Your three examples is not evidence of racism, sorry, try again.
    John3:16 likes this.
  9. 432J

    432J - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    -yes i know very well a hate crime can be committed because of prejudice against lets say sexual orientation. but like you said, race is sometimes the motivating reason as well so thank you for proving my point.

    -unlike you, i can actually provide evidence to back up my claims. here you go

    -of course you must bring up the "mainstream, liberal media." i gave you 3 clear examples of trump being racist but of course you deny it because how dare anyone accuse your cult leader of being racist. but i was expecting nothing else from you to be honest. no point in trying to argue with someone who's been brainwashed by trump. i'm not twisting anything. like i said, i provided you with 3 clear examples of racist behavior which you take and twist around so it fits your MO
  10. Lakeshow85

    Lakeshow85 - Rookie -

    Apr 20, 2016
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    You greatly astonish me with your arguing/debating techniques. I didn't bring up hate crimes, you did and then when I show you how ridiculous it was to bring it up and give you the true meaning of hate crime, you focus on a fake VICTORY "see it "is" about race, like I said, so it's racist, I'm right. I win. You lose." Wow, just wow. How about we just disregard hate crimes since that was never my argument.

    I don't need to provide evidence, the burden of proof is on you. The burden of proof was on me about the 2020 polls and I can give you links and videos to that, they do come from libertarian, conservative, and patriotic outlets, so if you're okay with that than I can get you those.

    To your point, he is racist because the farmers are being hurt by the trade war? I don't agree with the farmers being hurt, so when I found out that was true about a year or two ago, I was automatically against Trump's trade policies. We found some common ground on the farmer issue. However, how is this racist? Farmers aren't a race.

    Where is the evidence of "actual" races (Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Arabics, etc.) being oppressed because of the power of the White House? Executive orders, policies, vetoes, martial law, etc. He is a dictator and a racist according to the people who hate him and if it's that obvious then everyone should be able to see it, including his supporters. It has nothing to do with blind worship as you think it is. If the evidence was there to see, I'm certain Trump will lose all support.

    Well as I mentioned before, our mainstream media is predominantly liberal and they all echo the same premise: Hate Trump and his supporters. Hate anyone who disagrees with liberal ideas and ideologies.

    (1) I will admit, I've been searching for objective coverage of the black tenant event, but unsurprisingly there isn't much information to go on. I even read the case documents and there is nothing there about what actually happened, just instructions on what to do to comply with the EHO. There are two sides to every story so I'm still searching. I cannot give a view on it because I do not have all the information and I'm not gonna assume in either direction.

    According to the The Fair Housing Act, "it prohibits conduct which is discriminatory in its effect, regardless of motivation, and violations of the Act can result from thoughtlessness and lack of information, as well as from deliberate discrimination."

    So even if discrimination happens unbeknownst to the discriminator, the action is prohibited and subject to legal action.

    "The US Department of Justice — under the Nixon administration, out of all administrations — sued the Trump Management Corporation for violating the Fair Housing Act. Federal officials found evidence that Trump had refused to rent to black tenants and lied to black applicants about whether apartments were available, among other accusations. Trump said the federal government was trying to get him to rent to welfare recipients. In the aftermath, he signed an agreement in 1975 agreeing not to discriminate to renters of color without admitting to discriminating before."

    This sounds very vague. If you can find the full story of what happened, I would be grateful.

    (2) I'm not gonna touch the Obama thing because it comes down to perception and you have already proven your perception is one-sided.

    (3) He didn't say that about all Mexicans, he said that about the Mexicans it applied to. He said that when Mexico sends their people (speaking of immigration) they are not sending you and you (he was pointing into the audience), he continued, they're sending rapists and criminals, and some I assume are good people, but the ones they are sending are not. Search it up and get the full context.

    Also try this out: "I don't have any evidence of Trump's racism that is objective and clear for everyone to see, so I'm going to bow out of this discussion."

    I'm spinning my wheels with you here. You are all over the place.
    John3:16 likes this.
  11. 432J

    432J - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    -i told you to provide me your sources in regards to the 2020 election and you failed to do so. so if you have sources from legitimate places (not breitbart, infowars, etc) please send them to me
    -yeah i never made any connections between the farmers being hurt and racism but nice try. you said show me a group that has been economically oppressed under trump and i did
    -how does the fact that trump refused to rent to blacks sound vague? its pretty damn clear. he was discriminating against potential black renters and was sued by the DOJ. racist behavior. there's plenty of information on this online if you want to read more but there's really no point in that since you already have your mind made up
    -yes, he said mexico isn't sending their best and called them rapists and criminals. saying "some, i assume, are good people" doesn't change anything.

    like i said, i've given you clear evidence of trump's racist behavior that is very much objective and clear. you only fail to see it because you're so caught up in defending trump to the grave. no use bringing facts to a trump fight
  12. Lakeshow85

    Lakeshow85 - Rookie -

    Apr 20, 2016
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    The difference between you and I and that you have to win and be right.

    So I will bow out of this discussion. Peace brother.
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  13. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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  14. 432J

    432J - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    trump and the GOP are really trying to get omar killed with their rhetoric. she's already getting tons and tons of death threats from trump's batsh*t crazy cult followers. everyone's already forgotten about cesar sayoc but there's a ton more out there just like him

    the trump and q-anon supporting loser who is attempting to unseat her just got arrested for felony shoplifting so i see that's going well for the GOP so far
  15. revgen

    revgen - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Trump and the GOP don't want Omar killed. Omar is unwittingly helping Trump get elected in 2020.
  16. 432J

    432J - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    anyone "offended" by omar, aoc, etc was never going to vote democrat anyways
  17. Lakerman JSJ

    Lakerman JSJ Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2014
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    This is so unbelievably disingenuous it’s hard to believe anyone could possibly hold this opinion with a straight face.

    This is America. When an elected official criticizes an elected official over their actions (not immutable characteristics) that is a bedrock of our society & system of government. Every American is freely allowed to have an opinion on the words & actions of a sitting member of congress.

    Do you have been the slightest concept of how fascistic it is to try and shut down speech that doesn’t call for any violence by claiming a fair criticism is going to “get someone killed”? It’s amazing how the leftist ideology that has taken over the Democratic Party has become synonymous with the strategies of tyrannical dictators.

    Too many aren’t interested in debates or even allowing anyone who disagrees with them to have the ability to speak. Instead the goal is to shut down speech before it’s even expressed. Why debate our disagreement when I can shout “Racist!” or “You want him/her dead!” when you say something I disagree with?

    Lastly, please allow me to point to the most hilariously obvious part of your stunning hypocrisy: Why don’t you (or those who agree with this line of thinking) hold the left to the same standard? I would venture to say that Trump has faced more criticism from the media & political opponents (both in volume & severity) than any US President in the last century-plus (if not ever). I’d even say he’s fair game because we should always be skeptical of those in power, not just when the President has an “R” next to his name. But how is that not all media members “wanting Trump to be killed”?

    Or how about when Bernie Sanders spent years spouting off how Republicans are evil & want people to die because they oppose big government-run healthcare, and then a volunteer for Sanders’ campaign went to a baseball field with loaded guns hoping to kill as many republican politicians as possible?

    Or when AOC tried to score cheap political points by ignorantly comparing US illegal immigrant holding facilities to Nazi Concentration Camps and then some ANTIFA loser tried to firebomb one such facility?

    There’s a MUCH easier straight line to draw between rhetoric & actual violence coming from the Left in recent history, but it’s just so funny how I didn’t hear about that from you. Do I want all politicians on both sides to tone down their demagoguery? Absolutely. Is it the least bit intellectually honest to point at Trump criticizing Omar for her multiple anti-Semitic & anti-American remarks and say he wants someone to kill her but not say a peep when actual violence results from Leftist rhetoric? Well, I hope even you can answer that one.
  18. 432J

    432J - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    you're making it seem like i'm bringing up the possibility that she could end up dead because of trump/GOP's rhetoric solely because i think trump is hitler or something like that

    no, since trump began tweeting about her she has received tons of death threats from his supporters. you think that's fine? trump has received the criticism he has from the media because he brings it upon himself. he sure loves to dish it out on twitter so what's wrong with giving it right back? if he wasn't such a terrible human being he wouldn't be treated the way he is by the media. W was a republican, don't remember him being treated so harshly. why? because he wasn't a terrible person. being POTUS will make you the object of endless criticism, don't think i need to explain that to you. i mean come on, the right created controversies out of obama's tan suit and the kind of mustard he puts on his burger.

    why are you trying to deflect? there's batsh*t crazy people on the left too. who do you see condoning that violence from the left?
  19. Lakerman JSJ

    Lakerman JSJ Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2014
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    Look, this is really simple: No politician, not Trump, not Bernie Sanders, not AOC, none of them is responsible for what the tiniest craziest segment of society does if their criticism does not directly call for violence.

    Every American has the freedom of speech to criticize the character, opinions, actions, & words of another person, period. Because the anonymity of the Internet has emboldened the biggest losers in America (on all sides) to send death threats to people doesn’t mean we need to censor ourselves. That’s a ridiculous line of thinking.
    Lakeshow85 and John3:16 like this.
  20. 432J

    432J - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    i thought you cult 45'ers are all about free speech and "*** pc culture"

    oh yeah absolutely. but there has to be a line drawn when it comes to that criticism. criticizing others comes with being a politician. but when people start receiving endless death threats and the criticism keeps on continuing, ultimately it could lead to something real bad

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