Official Whine, Moan, Complain Thread 19/20-CLOSED "WE CHAMPS!"

Discussion in 'Lakers Discussion' started by puffyusaf#2, Jul 5, 2016.

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  1. puffyusaf#2

    puffyusaf#2 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 4, 2014
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    Author of "Just a Thought"
    GNW Doing things
    Yes it is a lot of spin for the Clippers. The NBA has had it in for the Lakers and ESPN has been trying to crap on us every chance they get. In the end, the Lakers FO obviously had a plan B and unlike other posters I don't think we missed out on a lot waiting to see what Kahwi would do.
  2. lakerfan2

    lakerfan2 - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 8, 2014
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    No spin on how PG just dropped Westbrook like that after smoking cigars and signing a new deal?

    That’s some weak BS if I’ve ever seen anything.
  3. ProzacViagra

    ProzacViagra - Rookie -

    Jan 29, 2019
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    He played with RW for a year after signing the big contract.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2019
  4. Khmrp

    Khmrp - Lakers Legend -

    Jun 10, 2016
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    2 snakes making it work but its not lakers so nothing evil, in fact the clipps are getting praised for getting pg even tho he just screwed over okc just as much as ad did pellies
  5. PurPle n GoLd 1

    PurPle n GoLd 1 - Lakers 6th Man -

    Feb 18, 2015
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    opens the door FOR RUSS to ask for a trade I'm guessing miami(package around dragic)/ NYK alot of 1 year players with team options/ wild card i see is Orlando around vucevic/ chicago(coby white and assets)
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  6. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    :Noddingyes: Screw Mintz.
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  7. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

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    Rob didn't get played actually as he and the Lakers are doing just swell "immediately" switching to and executing plan B on steroids building out the roster for our particular needs at great value prices. And of course the Lakers had to try and to wait on #ClipperSnake Leonard.
  8. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    We’ll see if this holds if they don’t win any titles. But yeah, if they do perceptions change.

  9. svtzr

    svtzr - Lakers Starter -

    Nov 13, 2016
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    I personally gotta give it up to West, he came and they had just signed Griffin to that huge contract, hamstringing their organisation. CP3 was on the verge of leaving for nothing and what does he do?

    Sign and trades Chris Paul for assets.

    Trades Griffin for assets while avoiding a PR nightmare after fake retiring his jersey to sign him.

    Drafts well, recruits well and creates a young team full of assets that surprises everyone by getting to the playoffs and playing GS hard when Kevin was healthy.

    Then strategically resigns all the supporting cast he needs, while leaving a max slot open for KL.

    And does the one thing most organisations can’t do, cashes in on his assets and gets a MVP candidate to pair with the finals MVP free agent he just signed.

    They have a tough starting line up, Bev, Shamet, Leonard, George and Zubac. That’s some serious defence and some serious shooting. Then they have Lou, Harrell and Harkless off the bench.

    They need to fill out their PG/C rotation but make no mistake about it. Jerry West put them in position to win their first championship.

    That’s my WMC, that instead of having someone experienced and stable, we had the nonsense of the Magic experiment. We’re in the position we are in spite of our front office.
    LakerFanIam and LTLakerFan like this.
  10. svtzr

    svtzr - Lakers Starter -

    Nov 13, 2016
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    I’d like to add I actually don’t mind Rob, I think he did great on getting who he did with what was left. Our scouting department is great too.

    But the Buss family, Magic, Rambis are all a joke. I can see why AEG would be pissed.
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  11. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    Doc Buss set up Jimbo to be President and run the basketball side of operations still with good ole Mitch. But under Jeanie's principal chain of command. She finally does the gut wrenching Lakers' for the greater good act of firing him and Mitch and takes her own first stab at building her own front office. Her biggest mistake was believing that Magic being a part time PBO was going to work smoothly. But that creates internal friction and Rob, a grinder like Kobe was a grinder while Shaq rehabbed and coasted on company time .... gets frustrated and starts chirping I'm guessing while he is waiting too long too often for answers and actions out of his part time boss. Meanwhile under the new FO Magic has landed LeBron James and even though a cluster**** at the trade deadline Jeanie's chosen FO has AD ripe to be force traded for in the off season. Why should she be thinking this is not working? Magic gets pissed and blows everything concerning his appointment all to hell because he wants Rob fired for calling him out on the part time effort. And then going out the door suggests she should still fire Rob and get new people. She decides no. Fast forward to where we are now in spite of all that and getting taken for a ride by Kawhi Leonard in FA.

    Stupid Jeanie. Sell the team Jeanie! Stupid Jeanie we're a joke of an organization because of what she had the balls to do 2 years and 4 months ago and "in spite" of what Magic did a little over 3 months ago. Seems to me like the proof is in the pudding as Jim and Mitch most certainly would not have had us in this same position. She honored her Dad's hoped for transition and then put her own stamp on things. So far so good. Maybe not absolutely perfect but look what we are putting on the floor this October.

    gcclaker and puffyusaf#2 like this.
  12. svtzr

    svtzr - Lakers Starter -

    Nov 13, 2016
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    Jim was part of the mess too. Just because she got rid of him doesn’t excuse her appointment of Magic, strange fixation of having the Rambis family making decisions and her constant trying to bring back Phil a while back.

    I see nothing wrong with calling out the parts of the organisation that are weak - the FO is certainly that. If we had a poor rehab and medical or scouting side, we’d be on them too. It’s part of excellence, you honestly assess where you need to improve.
  13. puffyusaf#2

    puffyusaf#2 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 4, 2014
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    GNW Doing things
    I won't hate your points BUT.............

    It is easy to do work when the league isn't doing everything against you. Jerry West has skills no doubt but it takes a lot more than that to get the job done especially in today's NBA.

    So lets play how great Jerry did.... He got rid of some bad contracts. OK. He also dumped his franchise player. He put a bunch of guys on the court that surprised the league and finished 8th by gaining 6 more wins from the year before. We don't give prizes for finally making it to the playoffs. Great they got the blue collar guys to ball and make the playoffs but please no one was going OMG look at these guys.

    They took a chance in dumping Blake. They opened the cap space for a big name. KL wanted to come home and not be behind LBJ. Do they have KL if OKC doesn't give away PG? Does PG get dealt to the Lakers if we offered the same crap? the answer to that one is NO.

    Jerry West set the pieces in place that is for sure but so did the Lakers. The difference is the Clippers didn't get trades nixed by the NBA. The Clippers didn't get fined over and over and over again for speaking to the press like the Lakers. The Clippers didn't get CpFlop trade taken away because the NBA owners pitched a fit about the "big market" teams getting fatter. Yet, the Clippers aren't a big market team?

    It is easy to make deals when you aren't being hampered for good faith deals. Yes, our FO isn't Jerry West but they have not only drafted great these last few years but took the chances when it was available. Even when AD trade was killed on us during the season we still stood the course. Even when Magic tried to stage a mutiny we stayed the course. We got Lebron, AD, Kept Kuz, got Cousins, Green and a slew of quality players even though every move the Lakers make is scrutinized.

    Yea, forgive me for not praising the Clippers for having Kawhi stage a coup for them. Hell people diminish our FO saying that Klutch did all the willing and dealing that got us LBJ and AD yet West is getting praised for what Kawhi did? Funny enough if OKC had told Paul to go eat a horsecicle then Kawhi is probably a Laker. Would LA have gotten PG for candy corn and a 30-minute make-out session behind the bleachers with the Chess Club President? OK, that may be over dramatic but still the question holds. Our FO has been doing some great things even if its a bumpy ride. We have a legit championship level team right now. AND, we have contracts that will come off the book in 2 years. Bout time Lakers fans stop looking at other peoples luck like its gold and start looking at ours a little better.
  14. svtzr

    svtzr - Lakers Starter -

    Nov 13, 2016
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    Nothing of what Jerry West did was easy.

    Getting rid of your franchise player is not easy.

    Getting a return on a FA that’s leaving your organisation is not easy.

    Drafting well is not easy.

    Signing good FA’s is not easy.

    Making the playoffs is not easy. (We haven’t been there since 2013)

    Convincing the best player in the NBA to join as a FA is not easy.

    Trading for a MVP candidate is not easy.

    Selling high on all your assets is not easy.

    For all of these points I can give you many teams that couldn’t pull them off and he got them all done. That’s why I’m giving him praise, one alone is tough, but pulling them all off is executive gold.

    We’re neck to neck with them, because Lebron chose us for business reasons and banked on his ability to build a super team for a 3rd straight time. He is the architect of our current team. That’s why I’m saying it’s in spite of our FA.

    I also think Rob’s done a great job this offseason putting some good parts around him and AD.
    KareemtheGreat33 and puffyusaf#2 like this.
  15. tada

    tada - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 31, 2014
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    My complaint, or rather just a vent, of this offseason is that we had to give up Lonzo. The PG spot is now our weakest link, and I feel Lonzo (especially on defense) would have been perfect with Green, Lebron, AD and Boogie.
  16. puffyusaf#2

    puffyusaf#2 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 4, 2014
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    GNW Doing things
    You are right none of that is easy and none of that was gauraunteed to work. How many times have teams dumped a player for the "possibility" of a great deal and it didn't work? Lots, including the Lakers. All that being said, I bring it back to this simple point. It is easy to make deals when you can hide behind the biggest villian in the league being the PnG. Jerry is good no damn doubt BUT if we did half the stuff he did... half of it.... our FO would be getting murdered. I mean the Lakers have LEBRON AND ANTHONY F'ing DAVIS as a duo and we are being slammed for what we have done?

    We are not neck and neck with them. We are ahead of them. We were the moment AD signed. Yes, the Paperclips will be relevant this year but they are not now nor ever will be the Lakers. Kawhi ain't getting "load management" on that squad. Give them credit they blindsided everyone and should be praised for getting it done. We should also call a spade a spade and say Kawhi and OKC FO gifted them this as well. That is the way of the NBA these days the players make deals behind the doors. Oh, and nothing like collusion between the Clippers and PG but the NBA won't be "looking into that" now will they.

    I think what the Lakers FO did, even if you say Klutch/Bron had more to do with it, has been more impressive over the last 4 years. But that is just me.
  17. Purp n Gold

    Purp n Gold - Rookie -

    Oct 9, 2015
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    Is there any footage of the Blake Griffin pseudo-jersey retirement ceremeony? We do own the building after all. Because we can play that to start our next match against the NBA Clippers.
  18. svtzr

    svtzr - Lakers Starter -

    Nov 13, 2016
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    For me, I don’t mind giving credit where credit is due. The clippers under Jerry West have had some incredible execution. That guy is a real G!

    It also makes it easier, because I basically don’t follow any media channels that are harping on about us and how bad we are because we aren’t - we have 2 top 10 players and some great pieces around them. We’re good, one of the best teams in the league.

    But I won’t deny that the clippers are right there with us. I look forward to meeting them in the playoffs and putting it all on the line. If we shut them out of winning a championship, that would be so f***en sweet.
    LTLakerFan and puffyusaf#2 like this.
  19. puffyusaf#2

    puffyusaf#2 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 4, 2014
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    GNW Doing things
    I think JWest and the Clippers should be praised for getting two of the best players in the game. No doubt about it. They, and Kawhi, played the league like bosses. I'm just opposed to going hindsight to make it seem like they mapped this all out perfectly. No, it took a lot of luck and some serious colluding to get them these two dudes.

    If the Lakers are being killed for all the moves that got us a team that is pretty damn stacked then why aren't the clippers? But, I get your point and I'm not hating on Jerry at all. He did his job. So did Rob. That's my problem too many people praising the Clippers while killing our boys. Not saying you are but this Jerry is the man again sh** is overblown.

    Now its time to play it out between the lines. I know I'm ready.
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  20. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    2 years and 4 months actually. I calc'd it out earlier for my comments above. Since Jeanie said OK here's my choice .... Magic and Rob to take over from Jim and Mitch. Yet she's a joke of an owner and mocked around here. Again, just like West blew everything up and re-did it in a short period of time, her choice of Magic and Rob got us out from under the horrendous MozDeng decisions and to be one of the heavy betting favorites again to winning it all this year. Stop the hate and stupid "sell the team Jeanie" drum beat. Look at the team we just assembled compared to where we were when she went "hands on" with the FO personnel.
    PurPle n GoLd 1 and puffyusaf#2 like this.
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