The difference in this show since the show running switched up has been insane. Last season was one of my favorite seasons of television.
Yeah I remembered the blonde. That was a cool little deal. Awesome first episode. Loved the grittiness. Loved the redemption for a certain character. Spoiler So did the big black dude (name escapes me at the moment) really kill the guy in the house? They never showed the body. Also did anyone notice how right after the big fight outside there was a walker stuck on a stake. Then when everyone ran up to the house it wasn't there anymore? Probably nothing, but just something I noticed.
@therealdeal @Punk-101 Spoiler: GUY ON TABLE And also apparently he was Gareth's brother and Mary's son.
Spoiler: STAKE I think that he might have taken the zombie off of the stake and placed him face down on the ground as if it was the creeper guy. Maybe put his shirt on him? This could leave the creeper still possibly alive just severely messed up in the little house.
Spoiler: SPOILER Gareth is the main guy...the one asking for the count on the bullets. Mary is the one Carol shot in the leg.
Totally possible. It just struck me that they showed no evidence there. I know there's a reason for that. Spoiler Maybe they have that guy follow the group for a bit, then the black dude saves them from him?
Interesting tidbits from that episode (don't open link if you haven't watched the episode yet, contains spoilers):
big bad Terminus..taken down by Carol and a bottle rocket just because it was so action packed, i'll let that pass
man, one of the best (if not in contention for the best) episodes yet. scott gimple is awesome. what a way to start the season. Spoiler to answer various questions in this thread: gareth is the hipster leader of terminus. last we saw of him he appeared to be wounded by rick's spray of gunfire. mary is his mother (played by denise crosby, best known for her role of tasha yar on star trek the next generation). last we saw of her, carol wounded her in the leg and left her for the walkers to eat. the guy on the the table is alex (gareth's brother), who was killed in the initial battle between rick's group and terminus (before they were captured). they are carving him up for meat...waste not want not. as for the gum chewing termite in the hat, i'm not entirely sure that tyreese really killed him, which is why he stopped carol from going in there. ALSO...HOLY S*** MORGAN F*** YES.
And a few hundred walkers. They were so tight about ammo they had to count how many they used. It's not like they were stockpiled with a means of defending themselves.
funny how it didnt seem like they were low on ammo with all the gun fire i heard and non of the reloading..LOL also thanks lakersyunowin.. i get it now
or when they were just wasting their ammo herding the group into the train car. they could've just held them up...
Just saw the premier and it was maybe the best episode yet!! I was really surprised at how fast things were set off. I was use to the Walking Dead taking like 3 episodes of talk and drama before anything of note really happened. The new show runner has really taken the show in a better direction. Unfortunately that direction doesn't seem to have anything to do with the comic, but it's still great! For the people that read the comic, I really thought the guy that was holding Gareth was supposed to be Negan. I'm ok that it wasn't.
Great way to start the new season. Well done! (golf clap) And for my favorite part.... Spoiler And Morgon is back!!! I just knew that he would be back after he and Rick met a few seasons back again. I think it's so cool that he has made it this entire time. Morgon was one of the first guys we came across when this show started.
" 'Walking Dead' season 5 premiere is show's highest-rated episode ever By Samantha Highfill on Oct 13, 2014 at 4:59PM @samhighfill Image Credit: Frank Ockenfels 3/AMCWalkers - The Walking Dead _ The show’s season 5 premiere marked the series’ highest-rated episode ever with 17.3 million viewers, up 7 percent from the previous record-holder, the season 4 premiere. The show was also up 6 percent in adults aged 18-49 with 11 million viewers. Speaking of the season 4 premiere, it now comes in second place for the show with 16.1 million total viewers and 10.4 million viewers 18-49. It was after seven days of DVR playback that the season 4 premiere became the most highly-rated episode in cable television history, something we’ll have to wait and see if the season 5 premiere can top. GET EW ON YOUR TABLET: Subscribe today and get instant access! Talking Dead, the live aftershow, also set a record last night with a series high of 6.9 million viewers and 4.5 million viewers 18-49, both increasing more than 30 percent from last year’s premiere. And if that weren’t enough, the show’s season 5 premiere was the series’ most talked-about episode ever with more than 1.32 million tweets. The Walking Dead is also one of the only shows in Twitter history to take up all 10 trending topics in the U.S. at once. Considering AMC has already announced a sixth season for the show, perhaps this is only the beginning. "