I agree. Tanking sucks but at least there's a reward for it. 2013 was definitely the worst season ever. To say nothing of the fact that we lost Dr. Buss in the middle of it...
So let's talk about the Lottery. What are the odds we drop out of that top 5? Like two teams would have to jump ahead of us right? That seems unlikely.
Oh! Oh! Oh!! This is just SOOOO wrong. Silver you owe us big time ^^^ for what you guys did. Steve Ballmer turned the Lakers' locker room into his owner's lounge for the playoffs By Tony Manfred2 hours ago larger locker room in Staples Center than the Clippers. But with the Lakers out after a 21-61 season, new Clippers owner Steve Ballmer is taking advantage of the extra space. According to ESPN's Arash Markazi and others, the Lakers locker room has been converted into an "owner's lounge" for the immediate future. Markazi says the Spurs are using the Los Angeles Kings' locker room as their owner's lounge after they failed to make the NHL playoffs. Lakers-Clippers is still a fledgling rivalry, but this is a solid bit of taunting. Ballmer, always energetic, has been in fine form for these playoffs: NOW WATCH: How Mark Cuban Paved The Way For Steve Ballmer's NBA Investment
To be honest it doesn't bother me too much, but when their "bright" star fades away, it'll just be one more slight that we'll have kept track of. It'll be one more thing that we use as we crush that pathetic franchise. All we need is a little more time. Their door is already closing.
Wow. Am I the only one at LB this really bothers? Heard on the radio a bit ago that on line there is a whole lot of negative tweets and posts flying the Paper Clips' way over perceived disrespect. I mean I get it (Clips still playing and need space). But still. Whatevers.
I doesn't bother me at all. When the Clippers fail, again, to make it to the conference finals, the Clipper brass can sit in that room and think about what losers they are, all night. Hell, they can stay in there and think about what they did all summer for all I care.
I am annoyed by it but we have our own house to get in order. We as Laker fans will look back at it and will serve them their comeuppance. My take is that is the closest the Clipper organization to a championship locker room.
Let's put it this way....if we don't, and then we don't have a great summer.....trust me........people will force other people out of the FO and those people will be LA Citizens so.......... Either way, this summer can't go wrong.
No. We need a cost controlled, long-term solution at another position. That extra money is only (at most with the #1 pick) 4.7 million. That ain't going to get you much of a player. That gets you Ed Davis or Jeremy Lin. So Anthony Towns on a 4 year deal with us having the right to match any offer after those 4 years are up, or 4 years of exciting backup action with Linsanity. In no scenario is losing that pick a win.
Silver Lining is one thing. Calling it a win is another. A silver lining is not a win. It's a loss that we take something good from. I also don't think we die if we lose the pick. Unless of course we lose the pick AND sign Rondo. Then we die...and we'd deserve to die because both scenarios involve us going all in on a way past their prime point guard.