nyk 14-54 twolves 15-53 6ers 16-52 lakers 17-50 man o man we gotta root for philly to even stuff up a bit
I know and I get it, but seeing Laker fans I know and respect saying they hope we lose 20 games in a row? Just a horrible feeling.
Come over to the Dark Side. It will make your team wealthy beyond imagination. (Vs screwing up this opportunity that we do now have with being able to control our own destiny) Screw them all, play the game the same way as the other tankers who were instrumental in rooting for "Big Market L.A." to fail and be humbled, as well as the league front office with Stern and Silver's reaction to our fair value Chris Paul trade. Last year for a long time we should have to stoop to their perpetual level. Be careful what you root for department.
Nothing would make me happier than seeing Love bail on Cleveland (and Dan Gilbert) to play for the Knicks, leaving the Cavs capped out and no way to improve themselves. Then the next season, Durant leaves his small market team to come to LA to team with our young core of Clarkson, reigning Comeback Player of the Year - Julius Randle and reigning Rookie of the Year - Jalil Okafor. The Lakers then go on a six year run of dominance.
^ Clarkson-Anyone-Durant-Randle-Okafor would own the league for years to come. I'd be happy with less than that, frankly.
Come over to the Dark Side!! Jedis only happened in the Star Wars movies. Lakers "Death Star" for 6 years like Savory says above. D A A A N ....... in best Darth voice....... Lakers ....... are ........ your ........ "DADDY"
I'm not against tanking man, I'm just never going to be happy with tanking and with hearing great Laker fans saying "let's lose the rest of our games". I find great shame in that. That shame is why we'll never be here again.
"let's lose the rest of our games" = "let's scrub the gravel out of this skinned knee" I absolutely want it because it's the best thing to do, but it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt or that I'm happy about it.
Well I don't want the lemonade. If it's on the table and there's nothing else, I accept it. Doesn't mean I have to want it or enjoy it or revel in the making of more.
No. We'll be back down here someday. Our down periods will be fewer and shorter than most, but with the new CBA and a lack of Jerry West (let's face it, even the two-peat was Kobe and Fisher drafted by Jerry and Gasol who was traded to us in part by Jerry) everyone will have to go through these once in a while. It's only been two years.