I didn't catch what the Govenor lady's son said to Glen after his buddy just left them. Was too lazy to rewind the DVR... Was it "It was us, we left them" as to say, they deserted the last runners who died on purpose?
man that last episode... that was such a great episode... easily one of the best of all the episodes... my thoughts at first when the group reached alexandria was damn things are gonna so slow now but was i wrong... episodes have gotten better and better... can't wait for the last two episodes and crossing my fingers about daryl and not dying because apparantly him and the shows creator going to be guests on talking dead
Would anyone else have just killed the ****er that basically killed Noah? If I were Glenn and I caught up to him, I'd just kill him. I would beat the s*** out of him, break his legs, and leave him for the walkers. I also knew Gabriel would do that, but it was still a POWERFUL scene when it happened. This show is hitting new heights. I love that it's not quite the same as the books.
And WOW what an incredible couple of death scenes. WOW!! Classic zombie deaths and who would have guessed this would be on cable television?
I think those two zombie deaths were the best we've seen from the show. The constant cuts back to Glenn were great.
My question is how the hell have these people lasted this long? They are not team players and operate under the you're on your own mentality. Even for Rick's group, most zombie encounters don't go according to plan. So what I'm getting at, is how have these scared, feeble, sheltered people made it outside the walls at all. First, I thought it was just the sons, but the construction crew were p****** too. That's what I was hoping Glenn would do. Wish Rick would've been there, because this version of Rick would've put his revolver to the guy's temple and blown him away.
That's what probably the hole in Alexandria is, despite looking "perfect", they're a group that plays it too safe. They don't risk themselves and have lost people before, which is why the Governor lady wanted Rick and his group here, to be that backbone, they just never revealed it. They have the setup to hide behind their big walls, with their food and guns with their housewives, doctors, and children. I haven't read the comics, but my hunch is Rick and crew leave with supplies and Alexandria gets overrun.
Well, the new formula of build up, build up, build up and then a action packed finale is getting boring.
Pretty much this. When the going gets tough, these guys pack it up and head over the walls. They don't take chances and they leave behind friends in order to buy themselves time. They're cowards who have not come to terms with where the world is at right now. There's another factor too that I only know about because of the books, but certainly these people in the city are pansies and suck at this. Rick and the group need to take over this place.
have you not watched the since they arrived to alexandria? it's been nothing but powerful storyline and scenes that dialogue how far each character and the group have come. if you're expecting guns out, samurai sword chopping heads, prison style explosions and action every time, look for the michael bay version of walking dead because it has been excellent so far.
The revolving door scene? Brilliant television. If they had just a few more minutes they could have made that one of the most powerful moments in the history of the show.