My moving truck is coming today. I’m might be able to do doom later tonight but more likely tomorrow.
Most C bag fans were happy they made it this far in the playoffs. Lots of hate for Rozier. Some complaining about Brad Stevens and the refs. C bag fans wanting Lebron to get destroyed by the Warriors. If only the team knew the sacrifices you guys make lol. Who’s your daddy? Someone’s screwed but they wear green. I hate how they advertise a time, then do a pump fake like this. Hope this guy is ok today....on second thought scr*w it. He’s a C bag fan. Stupid players, stupid fans.... they go hand in hand. It makes me so happy the C bag fans still have nightmares about Ron Artest. Don’t worry it’ll be called a great block for generations to come.... And for his next feat, Brad Stevens will perfect the mid game brain transplant. Don’t worry, you’re going to be dead on arrival. More like Larry, Moe and Curly. You picked the wrong day to play hooky. Get the Kleenex’s. Lebron would just get more in game “rest”. Watch out for Big Baby Davis. He’s probably selling drugs down by that park. With all the crazy C bag fans, you think at least one person would run on the court to stop him. Which part, the not 1, not 2, not 3 part or the Lebron leaving you in the dust part? This was nice. Depends...can they aim? Based on their shooting this game, I would say no. Hold away Brad. Such sweet memories. Don’t you have to MAKE the shots to impress the girl?
Actually Houston fans are super annoying. All they do is whine that Chris Paul got hurt and that the refs gave GS all the calls. Poor us, we’re so unlucky, poor ‘Antoni, he got robbed again, blah blah blah. If you don’t want to have the annual Chris Paul playoff injury or flameout, don’t get Chris Paul. If you want more free throws, don’t shoot 44 threes.
Great comments from you Cookie. The new home is conducive to continue in fine style your literary career with Doom.
Second 18 wheeler moving truck coming today. I sold 2 different homes and combining down to one. I’m one of those weird people who like to move all the time. My husband calls me a gypsy. This is from the pregame. I will try to do some game doom later today or tomorrow. 2 wrong body parts. You mean final? Like final game of the season. Let me finish this sentence for you....and lose. The basketball gods said enough of this s***. Rocket fans have jobs? Who’s stupid enough to hire them? I guess somebody has to deliver the pizzas. But the douchebags are your team. Deep depression for the win. Thank god she finally smartened up and married a Laker fan. Fake news for a fake team. Too late. You did that when you became a Rockets fan. Defensive game of his lifetime? What’s that like 2 plays?