Just watched the movie, Get Out, for the first time last weekend and loved it. Jordan Peele did an incredible job and the little intricacies that happen throughout the movie that have deeper meanings was cool to see and appreciate.
agreed. I didn't really see that many new movies in 2017 so from what I can remember right now its the best one
I was mistaken in thinking Moonlight was a 2017 movie. So Get Out was indeed the best movie I saw last year.
IMO, Baby Driver was the best movie of 2017. Admittedly, I did not see many movies this past year due to very few getting my attention. Bad year for movies, followed closely by 2016.
haven't seen Baby Driver yet and have heard nothing but great things. Will have to check out that soon.
let me ask you something about that Logan movie. Do you need to know anything about the Logan character or have seen any of the x-men movies to be able to understand and follow it? Because I've seen like one x men movie in my life.
You'll pretty much get it, but you'll enjoy it more if you watched the first couple X-Men movies so you understand the context of Professor X and Wolverine. but you'll still pretty much get it.
I will add that the more movies you've seen of him, the more powerful the film will be for you. And yes, powerful is the right word despite it being a comic book movie.
I saw The Shape of Water and loved it. Lots of bucking the typical tropes you might have guessed would be the story Spoiler: Big Spoilers 1. You might have thought from the previews "Awww she connected with this creature and now she wants to save it... like a person wants to save a puppy"..... nope..... she was f***ing it 2. The old gay guy ends up as the hero saving the creature and mute girl 3. The Russian spy turns out to be the good guy you're rooting for throughout the picture.
I watched Only the Brave (the firefighter movie). Damn. That was a tough film to watch. Very well done though.
Movie Pass has been great. I've already seen Black Panther 3 times and now I'm going to see movies I otherwise wouldn't pay to go see considering ticket prices. Saw Game Night tonight and really enjoyed it though some jokes just didn't land right.