The only thing from this quote that had any chance of happening was Kyle’s beard getting a flagrant. Drive at will...we were tooling along in our convertibles to the basket near the end. Frank the tank is tanking for real. Yes and what’s your excuse for the trash that is the NY Knicks. He’s saving his fouls. He’s going to need them. The light skinned connection kicking your butt. Think of how much rest he could get when he fouls out in the first quarter every game. The Knicks didn’t really finish the game anyway....they just quit. A lot of lottery picks aren’t unfortunately. This is not a stat you want to claim. Well they are both white. Wrong dinosaur....TRex and the tiny arms. Is it more fun losing to a ball-less team? I don’t know about Tyreke. He did look a little Steph out there. No it was all the single ladies. You certainly are missing some balls. ESPN loves all the Balls, Especially Lavar. Willy is just presently plump. If Silver’s giving them away, we will take it for getting Sterned. The new NBA way to play. They are our mini ballers. We want to trade him for PG or Lebron. Now if we trade him for Boggie this might apply. He’s got the IQ of a Chalupa. He could be yours for a superstar and the low price of 18 million a year shipping and handling. (Deng) You need to see if your team wants to join you in the gym because they were getting punked.
I'm hungry so I grabbed a snack. Karma. When somebody whines and flops throughout the game, it's only natural that they clank a potential gamewinner.
From #27 >>> #3. Wasn’t even close. Kuz ain’t a scrub, but he did get 28 and hit a slew of 3’s. When the realization sets in about Smart. Oh he’s THAT good... Welcome to rock bottom! Blaming and complaining about refs, just like their boy Smart... First in the East. That’s why it’s called the LEASTern conference. Reasonable fan. A gem.