You have to use up your entire cap first, then you get a couple of exceptions depending on the situation. In this case I used all my remaining cap space to bring back Davis, then I got the BAE for Ellington. Doc Brown was the first to suggest this. I think Ellington is probably going to be a little more expensive, but it's just an idea.
I read chats from Larry Coon every week so i think it doesnt work this way(altough, it would be great for us). I am 100% that you dont get the mid level, about BAE i am not 100%. But i really like the roster you put together.
You don't get the MLE no, but the BAE is a different exception. As long as you're not a luxury tax paying team, you get your BAE.
re: exceptions: my understanding is that even teams under the cap "have the exceptions", but you must renounce them to use the cap space. thus, you can't use your space, then use the MLE. it's one or the other. only vet mins after using the space.
Yeah I like it. Question for you Real. If we were to make this trade for Dragic, what would his cap hold be? Would we still be able to offer Butler the max? Re: Exceptions. We CAN use the MLE, but there are penalties for it. See the Clippers last summer for example. They were over the luxury tax apron & only had the mini-mle to offer, yet they offered the full MLE to Hawes. As a result they got hard capped & could only sign minimum contracts until they had the league minimum of roster spots filled.
Dragic Kobe/Clarkson Butler/Young/ Randle/Kelly Davis?/Sacre Hou pick in 20's, Call me crazy but I think we'd be a decent starting vet C on a value contract + a solid backup PG from contending. I REALLY like that team.
I'm pretty sure if you're under the cap you can't use the MLE though. I'm pretty sure you're required to fill up to the cap before you use the MLE, so we're not NOT allowed to use the MLE, we just have to spend up the cap first. That's my understanding. Goran's cap hold according to our old friend Eric Pincus is 11.25 million. So playing out this scenario we trade Hill/Kelly/Hou 1st for Dragic then we're looking at- Kobe- 25 Dragic- 11.25 Young- 5.2 Randle- 3.1 Rookie~ 4 Clarkson- 0.8 Black- 0.8 Sacre- 1 Cap holds- 2.5 = 53.65 million That leaves about 16.85 million to spend so YES we would be able to offer Butler a max deal would be my understanding. However, I don't know how that would affect what we can/can't offer Dragic. I don't know if we'd be able to give him a larger deal or not...
^ I interpret it to be a bad thing. I believe the keys to the city have just been handed to the young man.
With the Rose injury, we might as well lock this for all intensive purposes. As a RFA, if he's not locked up with the max by Chicago the second free agency begins, he will certainly get it from pretty much any team he wants that has cap space. At which point Chicago will match. A 20 ppg scorer who defends at an elite level...his max contract will start at like 13 million or so...when that cap number skyrockets, he's going to be the best deal on the market. Granted, he will probably design his contract with a Player Option two seasons from now. A core of Butler/Randle/Okafor would be an absolute dream scenario going forward, but at this point, the Butler part of that scenario is about as pipe as Lebron was last offseason.