Okay I guess, but I still think it doesn't quite suit Rick's character at that point. He had just run over a guy and shot him in the head for knocking someone unconscious and running away. He's shown that he's quick to anger and revenge. Sure the cop was killed, but why was there so little anger in that moment and just sadness?
Okay? It was stupid to want to go back into Terminus and kill everybody when it was overrun by Walkers! I think this argument is becoming pretty silly though. Obviously there's flaws in a TV show. I'm not going to keep debating these small things...
Yeah I thought he was a squandered character honestly. His comic book counterpart was way cooler. Still a really, really artful episode and a good finish for him. The group is in a pretty tough spot now...
Stylistically it was a very strange episode for TWD. Reminded me of a Terrence Malick movie. A lot of speculation I've read thinks they went ahead and killed him off (killing off two big characters in back-to-back episode not exactly fitting their MO) because he was their compass for what was right vs. wrong and there's no place for that in the direction they're taking the latter part of this season.
His comic book counterpart is way better but in the comics he was Rick's right hand man, in the show that is Daryl. Was a really interesting episode. Behind all the Ty stuff was Easter eggs for Negan, can't wait until he shows up. The group is at a breaking point, morale at an all time low. Michonne, usually one of the more solid one, is on the edge. Wonder what the next adventure is.
Yeah Talking Dead (which I don't usually watch but have recently started to this season) kind of hinted that things were going to get even darker... This episode was definitely more introspective with all the characters. They're struggling to hold on to their humanity in this crazy world and it's starting to become too much of a burden. Maybe it's just easier to go crazy. Fun direction we're headed!
I think Tyreese was just hallucinating and before not paying attention when the walkers came up on him, so he didn't hear.
I only have two issues with the episode, as I thought it was a pretty good one for being a "slow" episode. 1.) That new guy at the end is frickin' dressed to impress. No one should look that clean/nice at this point in the game. 2.) That baby makes me question the shows validity. That baby is dead by now, there is no way they have the proper supplies to keep that little girl thriving.
The guy could be from a Woodbury-like settlement. As for the baby, I agree, but it calls for a certain degree of suspension of disbelief.
But still though, it's been a long time now since this has gone down. The cleanliness of him makes me suspicious. My best guess for that baby still being alive is that since she might be the only baby born AFTER everyone got infected, she might be the cure in some way. Otherwise it's just puzzling.
Spoiler: Aaron this dude is a good guy, he's dress nice and clean because he's from the safe camp Alexandria. The comics last quite some time there so in sure the show will follow suit. That barn scene was pretty intense and awesome.
Wait up, was the scene in the barn real? So what, they pushed up against the door for so long until the hurricane eventually killed all of the zombies? Yet, the hurricane couldn't do any damage to the old barn? I wasn't really sure what they were going for, but I thought it was a dream. And yeah, Aaron's appearance was really jarring. It kinda took me out of the moment. Overall though, I didn't mind this episode even though it was slow. I'm glad there's finally some more momentum.
- I'm not sure what the hell happened with that barn thing. Was it a tornado? And the tornado took ONLY the zombies, but left the old barn untouched? Was it a dream? - I liked a lot of the symbolism from that episode. Gabriel forsakes God by throwing away his collar. The kidnapped blonde zombie wasn't just incredibly sad, but the last time anyone saw Beth (before the Hospital) she was kidnapped so that zombie really could have been Beth. The old music box had a small blonde dancer and represented hope. It didn't work until the last moment when Aaron arrives and suddenly it starts working again. Hope is alive. - I would have let the nerd guy drink the water. He owes the group. - My wife and I laughed about the detail they shared about Andrew Lincoln's mother-in-law not watching the show since his horse died in Atlanta. We actually agreed that it was a really sad and brutal moment in the show. Then in this episode when the dogs show up all we thought was, "Oh yeah dinner time!". This show has done a really incredible job of bringing us along as viewers to understand and empathize with where these characters are in this universe.
it looked like a tornado and it is possible for the tornado to miss the barn and only affect the zombies. Tornados can hit one house and completely leave the house next to it untouched
I think the tornado missing the barn was a sign of hope, faith, and miracles to build everyone back up after the whole first part of the episode was about everyone losing faith. There should have been a moment where someone hesitated about eating the dogs, then Glen basically says " what's the big deal". racism is funny
I mean I know tornados are pretty localized in how much damage they cause, but the zombies were pressed up against the barn... if the tornado caught them up, why not the barn too? The tornado was localized by mere inches? That would indeed be an act of God.