Official Whine, Moan, Complain Thread 19/20-CLOSED "WE CHAMPS!"

Discussion in 'Lakers Discussion' started by puffyusaf#2, Jul 5, 2016.

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  1. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    I agree with all that, I'm just not convinced that any of our young players have hit their potential... for sure. As much as we complain about JC, he's a talented scorer and he's only 3rd year. He's a long way from his prime, so there's still potential there.

    I think Warriors fans were saying something similar about Curry until he finally took off a few years in.
    Cookie, LTLakerFan and revgen like this.
  2. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    We won again, oh no it's the end of the world! We should have sat all our future core for the last 3 months of the season and played only D-Leaguers, you know, gone full Philly. As we all know, having the 2nd worst record in the league absolutely 100% guarantees you get a top 3 pick. Oh man, we are doomed, dooooomed!

  3. svtzr

    svtzr - Lakers Starter -

    Nov 13, 2016
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    YAY GUYS!!! We got 3 wins to make it 24 wins for the season as apposed to 21, you know what time it is: :JerryBuss2:

    Out of the last 10 draft lotteries, we have seen 9 winners come into the top 3 from outside the 3 worst records for the season. With the second worst record we can take someone coming into the top 3 from below us in the standings. As the third worst record, we lose our pick unless we also win back into the lottery.

    I'll be the first to admit a 56% chance to keep our pick as apposed to a 46% isn't a big difference, except 9 out of the last 10 drafts we would of lost our pick in this exact same position; and subsequently lost the 2019 first round pick too.

    To me Weezy you are a very intelligent poster, who's thoughts I like to read, I'm surprised you don't see the wisdom of doing our best to improve our chances for multiple assets by sacraficing a few wins in the last fortnight of the season. Especially because trade assets are the thing that will get us back to the playoffs and contending the quickest.
    jbiggs and Khmrp like this.
  4. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I voted okay with either outcome in one of the polls. I like winning games though.
  5. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    It blows my mind that people continue to not comprehend my stance on this after I've stated it clearly for 3 freaking seasons now. I do not root for the tank, because rooting for losses doesn't make them happen any more than rooting for wins makes those happen. I believe I stated this one page ago, if not a couple, and each of the last 3 seasons around this exact time.

    You and a couple other people here keep confusing me not being distraught over a win with me not wanting to keep our pick. I want that pick. We need that pick. That pick can land us an all-star in a trade. But our team can only do so much in order to try and get into the best position to get that pick.

    The win against the Grizzlies was mostl, IMO, a fluke, one of those home wins that's gonna happen. Against the Spurs Luke put a lineup of backups and D-Leaguers out there to try and "correct" things once the team got out to a big lead. He shut Ingram down for the rest of the game, JC and Randle stayed out, he did everything you can do without actually coming out and formally forfeiting the game to lose it. But Pop outdid Luke, he played Leonard 14 mins, Aldridge 16 mins, Parker 16 mins, and Pau 18 mins. Pop threw the game because it was meaningless and sneakily got his best players basically a night off. And with all that the Spurs still cut our lead to 5 with under a min left with some big threes and almost came back and completed a choke job by us.

    After that win we had 55 losses to the Suns 57, mathematically with the way the Suns were tanking just as hard as us, if not harder, it became apparent at that point that we probably weren't gonna catch them. So, all our young players actually being healthy, and with for example Nwaba back in the D-League playoffs, instead of going full Philly and keeping them out for fake reasons, they played. And wouldn't you know it, they played well, continued to show the progress we've been hoping to continue to see all season, and we won. Barely. Oh well, it happens. But Randle, Ingram, JC, and Russ all had nice games, which is what we want to see going into the off-season if we want them feeling positive about next season, or even if we want to have their trade value as good as it can be.

    Now I keep hearing that we should have lost these 3 games, yet not once have I heard a legitimate way for us to do that. I see a few here saying "we need to lose!", yet not one reasonable way that was to be accomplished. I saw it thrown out that we should be starting MWP at PG, starting Deng and Mozgov and sitting all our core youth. That's a funny thought, but come on now let's be realistic, it would never happen and I'd never want it to happen. That would be absolutely pathetic, shameful, and people would laugh their a**es off at us if we did it and then still lost our pick. You don't sell your soul to try and get a draft pick, you never go full Philly, or you end up right where they are right now, nowhere. Forever. Losers.

    So this is the last time I'm gonna say all this, I've said it 30 times before. You can't lose NBA games on purpose short of what Luke did vs the Spurs and it didn't work. You can't trot out joke lineups. You can't instruct players to throw games, these are professionals with pride, some playing for their NBA lives. Unless I hear a realistic way to lost games on purpose instead of this whining and crying and nonsense being spouted, I don't wanna hear any more, and I don't owe you an explanation or answer for your silliness.

    You want that draft pick, I want that draft pick, we are in the same boat. The difference is you and Khmrp are sitting at home ranting and raving about how horrible it is that we won a game and that we shouldn't have done it and how the world is ending, and I'm sitting at home having enjoyed a Laker win and feelin' fine. You can't take back the Laker win and change the outcome with your ranting and raving any more than I could make tonight's win happen by rooting for it. Yet you act like I and others who are enjoying the win are somehow to blame for it. Get my point now? You're wasting your time with what could have been, I've moved on to what can still be. Try coming over to my side for a night, I guarantee you'll enjoy the games more. I hope that makes my point clear, because I'm not explaining it again, it IS like therealdeal said, talking to a wall.
  6. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    Well said. The last 3 paragraphs cut to the heart of the matter and this sentence beginning the first of those 3 describes what I was thinking after again watching tonight on time shift and then going to Game Time's last comments and seeing the continued arguments over and over from the "full Philly" contingent.

    "Now I keep hearing that we should have lost these 3 games, yet not once have I heard a legitimate way for us to do that."
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2017
  7. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    couple issues:

    1. to truly evaluate the difference between 2nd and 3rd worst, you have to examine which teams have fallen out when a team lower than 3 has jumped. you're assuming it's ALWAYS the third worst record that drops. i highly doubt this. it would be a statistical anomaly in itself.

    you seem to be thinking of spots 1-3 as if they're like spots 4-13, in which a jump from below necessitates your drop. since all of the top three are via lotto, this is not the case.

    2. even if that were true (again, really don't think so), in truly random events, whatever has happened recently doesn't matter.

    at the end of the day, it really is 56% versus 46%. the odds were never good. there's roughly a 50/50 chance that phx's shameless tanking leads to a non-top three pick, too.
    ElginTheGreat and therealdeal like this.
  8. trodgers

    trodgers Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    In 2016, no one changed spots?

    In 2015, the knicks fell from 2 to 4. Sixers stayed at 3.

    In 2014 Cleveland jumped up to take the 1 and knocked everyone back.

    In 2013 the two fell back to four.

    In other words, Abeer is right. Statistically the 2 is safer than the 3, but it's not by much.
    LTLakerFan, ElginTheGreat and abeer3 like this.
  9. Lakers2015

    Lakers2015 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 2, 2015
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    Meh don't even care about the tank. Honestly I'd rather this team try and win as many games as basketball. I wanna see these young guys learn to win and what that feels like. Tanking just sends a bad message to the youngsters that it's okay to suck and be a bad basketball team and organization. The draft and lottery is a crap shoot anyway.
  10. Khmrp

    Khmrp - Lakers Legend -

    Jun 10, 2016
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    I buy your reason but never said its the end of the world. We saw same thing last season i.e. russell ending the yr with great performance and i dont recall I thought we had some big wins at the end of the season that gave us hope but here we are again another terrible season record wise. If you can honestly say these wins can and will lead to better days next season then ill buy it. My issue here is why now? Wheres this team earlier in the season when we were still in playoff picture? Wheres this team when we were losing by 49? But at this pt, doesnt matter now if they lose the pick its deserved, bad mgmt continues to haunt this team
  11. svtzr

    svtzr - Lakers Starter -

    Nov 13, 2016
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    I only started posting this season, and I think this is my first time I'm posting regarding the tank or in the WMC thread, so I wasn't clear on your stance. I haven't actually engaged in this topic with you or anyone on lakersball before, so it's not true that it's like talking to a wall. I understand everyone's frustrations and that it must be grinding on many people to be in this position for so many consecutive seasons, however in the day thread all I saw was you throwing dwight howard's face at people hahaha. Glad to know your full stance, and by and large I agree with it all.

    As an example, now that we are pretty much locked in to 3, I hope we finish the season out with wins. I'm an optimist by nature, so to make it clear, I wasn't ranting and raving, maybe that was lost in translation over the internet, however, after each of the last 3 games I was a little frustrated that another season of losing was further damaged by some last minute wins. At this point, it's a double pick we are fighting for, 2017 and 2019, and I believe its fine to let out a little frustration in these situations. I know the difference between a 2nd and 3rd position isn't crazy, but looking at drafts since 2000, 3rd gets knocked out of the top 3, roughly 70% of the time, so it's not an ideal scenario for us to be in and I think we've probably lost those picks.

    By the way, I made the joke about Metta at PG - LOL! Of course that's not a serious suggestion. I think Luke has been doing his best to tank while developing the young guys, constantly changing line ups, playing young guys extended minutes, bringing in cold players etc. If we wanted to go the whole way, we could have probably sat out a few of the young guys and played more offensive inept players. No this doesn't help them develop, but they've had 75 games to do that, it's not like we shut it down at the all star break.

    Losing begets losing, however, trade assets beget trades. So I apologise for assuming you didn't think the same, I'm glad I got your full stance!
    LTLakerFan likes this.
  12. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    since you did the research (thanks, i'm lazy), what's the percentage on the 2nd worst team in that time frame?

    although i still stand by the statistical truth that it's a 10% difference that has 50/50 as its midpoint (and the gambler's fallacy regarding the smaller sample size of recent history).

    i'll be as bummed as you about losing those picks, but it happened in november, really, imo.
  13. svtzr

    svtzr - Lakers Starter -

    Nov 13, 2016
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    Roughly 56% for the 2nd. But its relatively a small sample size, like you said the stastisical truth is the 56% for 2nd or 46% for 3rd; and over time it would play out like that. So maybe a better way to look at it is the 3rd pick is owed some good fortunate to come closer to it's statisical truth.

    In saying that, it was my hope we blew our chances at the pick in the first month. I was hoping we headed towards the 8th seed and 35+ wins for the season. But, we once again find ourselves as a bottom feeder however, and if I could have the 56% chance as apposed to the 46% - I'd take it.
    Cookie, jbiggs and abeer3 like this.
  14. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    yeah, i just see those odds and can't be moved. i'd care more about the tank if the lakers pick was top-5 protected (i was super pro-tank that year), because you can put a floor on your slide by tanking. phx has guaranteed the worst pick they can get is #5 now. that's an absolute certainty. the lakers' situation has none of that. if it did, i'd be mad they won a couple of the recent games, if that makes sense.
  15. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    2016 3rd-3
    2015 3rd-2

    1st- 18.8%
    2nd- 6.3%
    3rd- 18.8%
    4th- 31.3%
    5th- 25%
    6th- 6.3%

    The actual lottery odds:
    1st- 15.6%
    2nd- 15.7%
    3rd- 15.6%
    4th- 22.6%
    5th- 26.5%
    6th- 4%

    I'd say we're ahead of the curve if anything. Besides, the previous winners don't have much to do with what we're going to get. Every lottery is individual of itself. The previous lottery doesn't affect the next one. But if you want to use the previous numbers compared to the actual odds, we'd probably end up with the 2nd pick.
  16. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    My sentiments exactly.

    Perfectly said!

    LTLakerFan and Juronimo like this.
  17. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I was reading your post and about a third of the way in I was enjoying it so I decided to look at which posters gave it a like. I trusted their judgment and gave it a like as well despite it being far too long for me to read on a Sunday.

  18. Khmrp

    Khmrp - Lakers Legend -

    Jun 10, 2016
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    I agree with the idea but like i asked weezy post, where these guys during the 13gm losing streak or whatever that # was or when they lost by 49 to dallas? I wouldnt complain bout wins especially halfway through the season even if it meant we were guaranteed to lose the pick, so long as we didnt have to fitness the constant a** kicking
    jbiggs likes this.
  19. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    Well .... we haven't exactly gone up against juggler's knots in the last three lineups we faced out there but see your point.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2017
  20. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    So you're against improvement then? You'd rather we continued to suck and our players showed no growth and ability to learn how to win some games in even the tiniest bit of a consistent fashion? It bothers you that we're closing out the season strong rather than going in looking like garbage and being incredibly discouraged yet again. Yeah, makes total sense, I'd rather we were losing on purpose in some apparently possible way that has yet to be realistically explained to me.
    Juronimo and LTLakerFan like this.
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