I LOVE the Lakers... which is i LOVE the Lakers... which is why I hated Kobe. I just didn't have stockholm syndrome...
Welcome, time traveler! Here we've selected Trump to be a president of everything and have telephones in the size of a book again. How are things in 2003?
here in 2003 we are three years into electing what can only be described as the stupidest president of all time (ahem... for the next decade) and, shockingly, we will re-elect him because we are willing to trade unbelievable amounts of liberty for a facade of security. I'm sure you future beings would never repeat such mistakes... Here in 2003, the Lakers (cough... Shaq) were winning championships and had only been in the lottery once in history... how are they doing now?
Man I remember @EddieEddie @DOAKLEY8 @LoyalBull from the Lakers forms from the website pre- Scout.com..its been awhile but I forgot what it was called before scout took over. :Randallconfused: used to under a different name back then "sblakerfan". Used to love starting gameday threads back then lol.
Good to see you! There were a number of reiterations... I started "actively discussing" the Lakers with you good folks in 1999. I remember saying no team with Kobe Bryant could win a championship... And I turned out to be right... it was 5.
] Lol, somethings never change! Im more of a lurker these days but lakersball is great you guys fit right in. btw what was the website called before scout took over you remember way back when?
The Original was "hoops boards" when I originally joined, it became something else prior to scout then became scout (obviously). So far I don't see Jbear so figure he's still hibernating until he can predict a championship... then slink away for whatever reason when its clear his predictions don't hold up.
God it's bugging me. What's the name of the OG from CL who was a really chill dude who joined the military in his 30s just a few years ago? Posted in Open Court a lot.