I really feel like the Lakers front office is trying to hit a grand slam as far as rebuilding. This will make the rebuilding process drag out like it was in the early 90's. The Mav's were in a similar situation when they tried to get Howard and D-will. They cleared the team except for Dirk and tried to hit a grand slam. Didn't work so they filled the team with a bunch of one year contracts ( sound familiar?) and waited for the next year. The big difference is they started to aquire pieces, Monta, Chandler, Parsens, now Rondo. Rebuild in full effect. Doesn't mean they will get out of the second round, but It crazy to think how excited we would be with any of the dudes in their starting line up. I mean, how sad is it we are looking at the up-side of Ed Davis as a positive? The Lakers front office plan was to hire a coach that had history with the team, so when we sucked this year we wouldn't be screaming for his head. Then try and trade for someone with the nash expiring or Hill/Lin and sign some big free agent. They need to understand nobody want to come to a Lakers team with no upside. Why would Rondo leave the Mavs to come rebuild here? They only need small tweeks to make a run in the playoffs. Why would anyone? This is the age of 3 or 4 stars playing together. I just hope Jim Buss stands by his statement that he would step down in a few years if they weren't compeating for championships.
Welcome to the site. I agree 100% that the Lakers should rebuild the "right way." That said, I'm not ready to validate the Mavs way as the right way yet. Proof is in the pudding. Are they better than we are? Yes, for sure. But being better than bad is no measuring stick. We have no idea yet whether adding Rondo will make them elite, or clog their ball dominant backcourt. I do know with certainty that I would NOT have signed Chandler Parsons to a max deal. That still smells of desperation.
Did they ever really rebuild? I feel like they've just been able to effectively retool. Their worst season in the past decade was finishing 10th with a exact .500 record.
They're like a Spurs-lite. I consider their championship a bit of a fluke, and I don't know that they're better than the Nash Suns were. This post is incomplete. I'm watching a flick, and I'm distracted. Sorry
They are not. Nash's Suns, when healthy, were a force. I truly believe they could've won the championship if it weren't for some crucial injuries and suspensions. Nash/JJ/Q-Rich/Marion/Amare was a great team actually.
The Suns had really only four MDA years. They went 232-96 (71%), which was dominant. In the playoffs they went 26-25, made it to WCF twice in four years. They were really good, but I say I don't know that they're better because Dallas's high level of play has had longevity. Dallas won 50+ games 11 straight seasons, going 620-282 (69%). But despite the fact that they won a ring, played for two, and made it to the WCF a total of three times, they were 65-61 in the playoffs, and they were forced out in the first round at least two times. I don't know; maybe that is a very good team and a rebuild, and maybe we're just spoiled. The Lakers from 1995-96 to 2003/04 won at least 60% of their games every season. 488-218 (69%), went 79-47 in the playoffs, reached the WCF five times, reached the finals four times, and won three rings. Maybe our view of a successful team is skewed
We need to start rebuilding like a team that is in a damn rebuild. The CBA isn't set up for a superstar walking to another team, especially one that has no chance for ring.
the mavs started doing what the lakers are doing now, but they realized the error of their ways and shifted course dramatically. I think the lakers believe they have a better shot of a superstar jumping ship to join them, but the only superstar to give up the cash recently left the lakers. I don't know why people freak out about the parsons signing. it's a three-year deal, and they were going for broke while dirk was still viable. made sense to overpay to me. of course, the lakers' situation is complicated by the kobe contract, which is thrice dirk's.