LakersBall Lakers Fan Forum

(2,423 Views / 1 Likes)
I live in the UTC/La Jolla area, but love to go out to the beach(Pacific beach mostly) w/friends whenever I have the chance.

Was curious if any of y'all would be interested in getting together(possibly a local fan club) to watch/discuss Lakers&just simply meet some new good people over some food/drinks?

My name is Adam, I'm 27& what a time to be alive ;)

Oh, also of course in a responsible manner.... I'm always bouty-bouty , like Master P.
by puffyusaf#2 at 9:45 PM
(514,810 Views / 5 Likes)
It is that time again friends to resurrect the WMC for the new season. Over the last few years Lakers Fandom has been one big WMC. We lost our hope. We lost our fight. We lost our belief. We were just plain lost and this thread and others became battle grounds for complaining. Well, this season we have optimism at a level we haven't seen in a very long time. That my friends means the WMC can return to its regular glory of overreacting and being pissy about the small stuff (and bigger if you choose).

What is it for? Simple, you can vent right here. Luke has cloned Kobe's verbiage of "execution" every other word and it bothers you... complain here. Nick Young is still on the team... Complain here (and in Nick Young thread). We didn't rebound or play hard... Whine here. We got outplayed by another scrub turned superstar.... Moan here. You get the picture? Of course you do. So without further ado I give you....

WMC 2016-2017
by Lakers2015 at 6:52 PM
(942 Views / 6 Likes)
Hey guys I made a video of the Lakers for the upcoming season that hopefully gets you as hyped as I am.


by LTLakerFan at 5:11 PM
(6,843 Views / 1 Likes)
In spite of a "remarkably good" FA season so far there are still rumblings of spring house cleaning for the whole FO including Mitch. And bring in hot prospect from wherever. Noooo!!! Are we kidding??? Phil Jackson ran Jerry West out of here point blank, from Phil near immediately dating Jeanie to him allegedly telling the Logo himself to GTFO of his locker room one halftime.

Ryan West is the heir in waiting. Grew up in the Lakers family under the freaking Logo and then the Logo's long tutored assistant Mitch.

Ryan picked up and drove 17 year old Kobe Bryant to the mythical Kobe / West 15 minute workout and was there as well. He was with the organization formally just guessing even prior to that.

Ryan at some point has to be the heir when Mitch says I'm done, like Kobe a couple months into this season said to Byron after a game, ("whatever.... this is my last season") .... probably in a vacuum from some posts here .... Mitch doesn't do that until the time is right for...