LakersBall Lakers Fan Forum

by JSM at 4:10 PM
(30,433 Views / 2 Likes)
First batch of workouts announced

by John3:16 at 8:36 AM
(4,056 Views / 3 Likes)
New 4 part documentary on Apple Plus.

Interviews with Magic, Kareem, Obama, Clinton, Spike Lee, Arsenio, and many many more.

From his childhood, to Michigan State, to the Lakers and his rivalries. Ups and downs of career. 3 broken engagements. 3 retirements. Business affairs. His children and his need to change versus his son changing who he is.

Probably the best thing I've watched in the past year.

And yes, you'll get in your feelings a few times.

8.2 on IMDB
by JSM at 1:38 PM
(34,638 Views / 2 Likes)
Figured we could use one place for all this...

What do we know?

That's 2 1/2 months. I imagine we'd also like to have him before free agency if we start caring what players fit into what style... or we could do what we did this year. That worked well.

Don't buy the Nurse buzz at all. It's a Klutch generated move to setup more security for him in Toronto. Also makes it easier to sell the fans on whoever we settle on because they can say they went out and tried to get a top x coach. Fake hustle.

On the Juwan Howard buzz: that one is connecting with multiple different sources. I think that one is at least real. But I don't see him leaving the chance to coach his son to come here.

Still think that currently our best case scenario is Utah losing it epic fashion, firing Snyder and hopefully our front office doesn't f*** that one up by lowballing him, picking out his staff for him, or...
by OX1947 at 12:52 PM
(18,483 Views / 9 Likes)
I wanted to thank everyone on for spring boarding the show for me and I wanted to thank the producer of the show, Gerald Glassford for trusting me in being a part of the show.

Our numbers are steadily going up and the content is also steadily getting better and better. Gerald does a great job promoting Game Time and the site, on the podcast. I would start to prepare for an influx of new posters in the next 6 months to a year as the show continues to get traction.

The commentary shows some aggressiveness. More than any Lakers Podcast that I see out there. With that, I feel that extra juice will interest an audience that want to see a little more than just a couple people with mono-toned voices yapping about what the Lakers are doing.

I do not want it to be fake banter like those clowns on ESPN or Skip and Shannon Sharpe. I want it to be real people connecting to real stuff with real information to back it up. So far, Gerald has allowed us freedom to do that and it...
by JSM at 4:44 PM
(17,140 Views / 9 Likes)

At least we don't have to swap out any marketing material involving "DJ."

He doesn't turn it over as much as Bron or Russ and could shoot the 3 before signing with us.