LakersBall Lakers Fan Forum

by LALakersFan4Life at 2:02 PM
(1,571 Views / 1 Likes)
Today, Horace turns 50 years young. Send Horace your b'day wishes here on his Twitter Happy birthday, Horace!
by sirronstuff at 7:38 AM
(1,231 Views / 0 Likes)
by unpossibl1 at 2:05 PM
(805 Views / 4 Likes)
My latest at SS&R on where the Lakers went wrong in free agency:

To say that free agency has not been kind to the Los Angeles Lakers would be a massive understatement. Not only have they missed on all of their main targets, but criticism has arisen regarding the sales pitch of the front office, with terms like "out of touch" orbiting the Buss family.

The Lakers plan is obvious: swing for the fences on stars, otherwise preserve cap space for the future.

While this strategy does have some merit, the reality is that times have changed. The Lakers used to be nearly assured that stars would want to come to the LA market, where they were greeted by sunshine, fame, and an open checkbook. However, under the new collective...
by KB24 at 1:30 AM
(8,932 Views / 11 Likes)
I know I the heck are all these FAs signing contracts and we are on the outside looking in for the second consecutive year...Howard, Melo and now Aldridge...

1. Superstars rarely change teams...they usually stay where they are or get tired of losing and ask for a trade. Not a lot of them switch teams in FAs, it is what it is because nobody can offer them the same dough as their respective team.

When you move, its either because of more money or better chance at winning. Given the fact that we cannot offer more than max, which is what other teams also offer, it comes down to winning. And its not easy to convince a superstar on the fence of 30 to come to a team, that has won just 21 games last season, it just isn't. We cannot offer more money and we cannot offer more winning chances...whether this guy liked our presentation or that guy loved the analytics etc. is just bla bla...fact is, if you have a winning team, people want to join you and vice versa.

2. I would...