LakersBall Lakers Fan Forum

by LALakersFan4Life at 5:35 PM
(4,762 Views / 0 Likes)

I guess we'll see more playing time for Larry and Upshaw

See you saturday, Marcelo
by sirronstuff at 4:43 PM
(2,462 Views / 1 Likes)
Do you know what his career Won Loss record is? Are we surprised by decisions we see daily? What is he known for in your opinion?

Phil Jackson: Triangle, Championships, managing egos, messing with refs, master of mind games
Popovich: Championships, disciplined program and system, turning the ordinary player into B+ talent, unselfish play
D'Antoni: 8 seconds or less, lack of defense, high scoring games, free flowing offense, playing a small rotation

You go could through this exercise with every coach, and it got me thinking of what I thought of when I thought of BScott as a coach. The number one thing?

Hard training camp. That's pretty sad.
2nd was that he had success with Hall of Fame PG's only.

Looking at his coaching record was a bit of an eye opener.
In short, I do think this is his last season here. I hope he proves otherwise since I root for Lakers, but I actually think this may be his last stop as a coach with his record.

You might have thought last season was his worst...
by YoungThundercat at 2:58 PM
(888 Views / 0 Likes)
Hey all, over on the fantasy board we are trying to get another league going. The thread can be found here:

We need 3 or 5 more. If you are down to play please visit the thread and drop your name in the hat. When we get to 10 or 12, I will send out PMs for emails to invite you.

League drafts Saturday Oct 24th (ahead of opening night on the 27th) @ 7:00pm Pacific (10 pm for east coasters like me).

NOTE: MODS: I know this is the board for just Lakers talk, but if you could allow it for a day or so to get more eyes (since NO ONE visits the fantasy board) it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
by LTLakerFan at 12:58 PM
(6,610 Views / 1 Likes)
Seems appropriate at this early stage of Randle's career, like it was with Bynum at a very early stage of his career as a Laker, when a same type of discussion happened with the classic "Bynum Will Never Be Special" thread (RIP Clublakers).... that we do the same for Julius. Stakes are every bit as high and they each had already gotten in better shape than when they came to the Lakers but were still unpolished, major works in progress. Both however had already shown real flashes of truly exciting potential in game situations. Drew in early NBA games and Julius in Summer League and Pre-season last year. Both topics were pre-mature and unfair to them but hey that's never stopped us.... :jack:

I was on the side of "yes" he will be with Andrew. I feel equally strong now from what I've seen to date, and gotten to know of the man from his interviews .... that Julius is going to be too. Hopefully he has better luck physically in his...
by DjBelvedere at 9:14 AM
(21,585 Views / 3 Likes)
Lakers TWC Access Live Stream

Yesterday was mostly conditioning. And nobody got injured (already an improvement from last year).